Sunday, March 23, 2008

elvis isn't dead.

[me either.]
[i am such a deb.]

Saturday, March 15, 2008

when i look at the stars.

i have come to realize over the last couple of weeks how incredibly boring my life currently is. and i have come to realize how unhappy i am, and self-conscious, and mean, and nit-picky, and girlly... so i am going to work on that.

i need it to be summer. i need a fresh start. i need to move out of this room, and out of this building, and off of this campus for a little while. go back to my roots, one might say. i need some intellegent conversation. i need to put away some old habits, old fellows, and even some new habits and new fellows, perhaps.

i still think ywam is for me. i still think its a good idea. i wish i still thought i was strong enough to do it.

i am currently: overcast with a chance of rain.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

La Pour Ça

nada surf is one of those bands that i resisted for a while - for no reason, too. they aren't super popular or lame, and i would go so far as to say they are fairly unique.

i'm super pumped about okgo, and i will go. whenever a concert seems to come up, and i want to go really badly, the friend that agreed to go with me always backs out, so i end up not going, for fear of being lame and alone at a concert. i will go to okgo.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

aero ports.

funny how, when you least expect it, fate seems to run up and kick you in the face.